Special Issue of Applied Magnetic Resonance dedicated to Polish EMR Group meeting-2018
Participants of the conference are welcome to submit their contributions to
the Special Issue of Applied Magnetic Resonance: http://www.springer.com/materials/journal/723.
The papers should present results of the original research which
meet the requirements
given in Aims and Scope of
Applied Magnetic Resonance
and be prepared according to “Instructions for Authors” found at the journal’s
website above. It is recommended that the participants check the “Free Sample
Articles” option to familiarize themselves with the style of the latest articles
published in Applied
Magnetic Resonance.
The papers will undergo the conventional refereeing procedure by two referees.
Another important aspect is that Professor
M. Salikhov
Physical-Technical Institute, RAS, Kazan, Russian Federation)
has the exceptional right of the final decision to accept a paper for
publication in Applied
Magnetic Resonance.
The papers should be submitted electronically via the Editorial Manager at: